To redecorate the living room on a ‘thrift store budget’, I had to get creative! While at one of the thrift stores I found a studded, strong frame, but it held an art piece that wasn’t my style. By the looks of the backside, it wasn’t going to be easy to change the art out and replace the backing. I took it home anyways, and put a few supplies to work.


I gathered a small piece of white poster board, glue, tape and an image printed on photo paper. This would also work beautifully with a magazine page or piece of fabric you would like to frame.


I cut the poster board to the exact dimensions of the frame opening. Then, I cut out a square a little smaller than the art print. Ultimately it will look like matting.

I taped the photo over the old art, then I used the glue all around to hold the mat in place.


And there it is, a custom masterpiece!

Here it is, now hanging in the living room:



So simple, it was done during naptime!
