
Monday, Tryson was up early, after having stayed up very late the night before, go figure. Although he really didn’t get as much sleep as he is used to, he was as happy as ever. I took advantage of that adventurous smile & created a simple tunnel for him to crawl around in!

Tryson has this obsession with socks. He will pull the socks off his feet just to play with, feel the texture in his hands, or put them in his mouth (yum). He will head straight for the sock pile as I’m folding laundry, maybe because of all the colors. He also crawls at my feet, stroking whatever textured sock I’m wearing that day (those fuzzy chenille ones that you wear indoors in the winter? Those are his favorite). When I came across this idea on Pinterest, I knew he’d love it!






The photos are pretty self explanatory; I took a large box, and turned it into a tunnel, having two open ends. I poked holes in the top and stuffed the socks through each opening from the inside.

He LOVED crawling through and would laugh when the socks touched his face. It was a new experience for him to crawl through a small, enclosed space. I showed him I was at the end of the short tunnel, and soon enough he was a pro. He would stop halfway and turn back around.

The tunnel isn’t incredibly sturdy, and it was taken down during the day. I would love to do it again and experiment with different heights and lengths!



